What is biofeedback and how might it help me?
Biofeedback, quite simply is any technique which takes a measurement of the body, and provides a result.
Biofeedback measures various physiological parameters of the body. Journey Within uses the INDIGO biofeedback system, which helps manage and retrain stress patterns, educates clients on crucial information about stress and empowers them to make lifestyle changes to support overall health and well being.
Medical research shows that the benefits of biofeedback may include the following:
- Ability to relax more quickly
- Improved sleep
- Reduction of stress, tenseness and nervousness
- Improved general health and sense of well being
- Reduction of anger, fear, apprehension and gloominess
- Heightened muscle mobility, coordination, flexibility and sport performance
- Enhanced mental clarity, memory and improved attention
- Decreased pain and headaches